At least, that's the mantra I wrote when I prepared my 2024 vision board.
I'm wondering if I should change it to "Put me first. Who cares about what others think?" I'll have to rewrite that into a more catchy way.
I realise people at work may stumble across this one day, so first - I don't care. Should it worry you?
For months and years I've been questioning if I've been at fault for feeling the way I had - stressed. Overwhelmed. Undermined. Undervalued. Taken for granted. And all because I worry that my authentic self would get in the way of my performance and evaluation.
And then, after a much needed, long overdue chat with my therapist, I realised - if people can't value my contributions beyond my personality and ability to be professional at work - then maybe I've outgrown you. Maybe we're reaching the end of the road.
I need to tell myself that it's okay to be me.
It's okay to have boundaries.
It's okay to tell your boss "Noted with thanks." "Thank you for your feedback." "We will think about it and get back to you."
It's okay to leave at 6pm and not worry about outstanding work. Unless it's critical. But if there's a reason why I don't carry a corporate phone, I shouldn't have to work outside office hours.
Just because you choose to work overtime and during your time off doesn't mean you're better. You're just less efficient. And you don't have boundaries.
Hopefully I'll be well enough after two to four weeks before I start the next phase of my growth.
Getting the art side hustle going.